Muhammad (c.570-632) was the founder of Islam. His name means Aone
Muhammad was born in Mecca into an impoverished clan of
the dominant tribe, the Quraish. The
record of his life and prophetic activity is found in the Qur=an and in various posthumous
traditions, including the hadith, which became authoritative for Islamic
law. Muhammad=s actions and sayings are the paradigm
for proper Muslim behavior. Muhammad is
held to be the Seal of the Prophets, the last in the line of prophets which
began with Adam. The message of Muhammad
-- the Qur=an
-- is regarded as Allah=s
final revelation to mankind.
Little is known about Muhammad=s birth and early life. Traditions place the year of his birth around
570 of the Christian calendar, which is called the Year of the Elephant after
the Ethiopian general Abraha=s
unsuccessful attempt to capture Mecca
by an army equipped with a war elephant.
In reality, that event must have taken place some time earlier, and it
can be shown that the description of it in early Qur=an commentary and in the first
complete biography of Muhammad, the Sira of Ibn Ishaq, was meant to
portray Mecca as the new Jerusalem by
paralleling the event with Sennacherib=s
siege of Jerusalem .
The biographical hadith also depict other miracles
at the time of Muhammad=s
birth, such as an annunciation, but these are late and are not necessary for
Muslim belief. What is certain is that
Muhammad was orphaned, his father, >Abdullah,
having died while his mother, Amina, was pregnant, and his mother having died
shortly after his birth. Muhammad=s uncle, Abu Talib, who is represented
favorably in hadith, became Muhammad=s
guardian. The Sira reports that
Muhammad was put out for fosterage among the bedouin tribe of the abna=a Sa=d
ibn Bakr, and a hadith attributed
to Muhammad has him claim that he was the most Arab of all because of his
descent from the Quraysh and his suckling among the abna=a Sa=d
ibn Bakr. The story of the opening of
Muhammad=s breast
and the weighing and cleansing of his heart is associated with this tradition
and reflects later apologetic interpretations of Sura 94.
Sura 93 summarizes Muhammad=s
youth and the transition from poverty to prosperity and ease: ADid {God} not find you as an orphan and
give you a home, and find you in error and rightly guided you, and find you
impoverished and make you rich?@ This remembrance is presented in the Qur=an as the basis for Muhammad=s relationship to God and his fellow
man, just as Sura 106 enjoins the Quraysh to worship God for what God had given
Part of Muhammad=s
material success can be attributed to his association at first commercially and
then in marriage with the rich widow Khadija.
Khadija was related to the Christian scholar Waraqa ibn Nawfal, but it
is not clear whether she or her family provided any religious inspiration or
instruction for Muhammad. Khadija did,
however, give Muhammad social standing and personal support during the initial
crises of his religious experiences, and she was the mother of all his children
except Ibrahim. Khadija bore Muhammad
three sons (who along with Ibrahim died in infancy) and four daughters: Zaynab,
Ruqayya, >Umm
Kulthum, and Fatima. It was after
marriage to Khadija that hadith credit Muhammad with a central role in
the rebuilding of the Ka=ba.
Muhammad seems to have followed the customs of his
contemporaries, and, if some Western analyses of Qur=anic passages are to be relied on, he
looked first to the religious traditions of his clan and tribe for answers to
his spiritual quest. Muhammad seems not
to have been alone in this search. Hadith
tell of at least four other men who broke with polytheism and adopted a form of
monotheism. In addition, the presence of
a thriving Jewish community along with several Christian denominations actively
engaged in missionary efforts in and around Arabia
was bound to have an effect on the religious climate.
Muhammad followed the custom of religious withdrawal and
devotion for a month every year. This
custom may have been influenced by Christian practices, but it is said to have
been the practice of the Quraysh before the rise of Islam. It was during one of these devotional
retreats on Hira, a mountain near Mecca ,
that Muhammad had his first religious experience. Opinions differ about which Sura represents
the first revelation, a minority giving Sura 74 that position, and the rest
holding that Sura 96:1-5 is the first. In any event, the experience came on Muhammad
suddenly and frightened him. Muhammad
even contemplated suicide so as not to be thought a kahin -- an ecstatic
seer or lunatic -- an epithet which would later be lodged against him by his
Muhammad was dissuaded from the notion of self-delusion
by a vision of a figure which has generally been identified as the Angel
Gabriel. Gabriel is believed to have
been the bearer of God=s
revelations to Muhammad. The first of
these revelations were generally in the form of inspiration -- wahy --
rather than visions. Sometimes Muhammad
would wrap himself in a cloak, possibly an inducement for the reception of
revelation, but he was not in control or able to predict when revelations would
come to him. When the did come, Muhammad
would undergo physical changes apparent to those around him, such as shaking
and profuse sweating, even on cold days.
This led his detractors to charge that he had fits or epilepsy, a charge
which persisted among Western writers for many centuries.
The first messages of the Qur=an emphasize Muhammad=s relationship to God, what he received
from God, God=s
goodness, and Muhammad=s
obligations for that goodness. Then, by
extension, these messages were applied to the rest of the Quraysh and,
ultimately, to all Arabs. There is,
however, no agreement about the order of the chapters and sections of the Qur=an, and many arguments about some
aspect of Muhammad=s
early spiritual life are based on arrangements of the pieces of the Qur=an to fit the argument.
There is general agreement that Muhammad=s spiritual awareness began with the
realization of his good fortune, partly through his participation in the Meccan
trade and partly through his association with Khadija. Allah is represented as being a good,
giving God, Who created all people, Who provides for all of creation. Human response to these actions of God should
ideally be a sense of gratitude and humility, a recognition of the position of
being a creature with respect to the creator and benefactor. Unfortunately, humans are usually
ungrateful. Each is kafir, a term
which came to mean Aunbeliever@ because of the denial of the
obligations of Allah=s
Humans also have obligations to other people -- to God=s other creatures. One should not oppress the weak, and should
be generous with that which God has given.
Many see Muhammad=s
early experiences in this social message.
There is more than just the responsibility of the individual. God is seen as having given wealth to the
tribe of Quraysh through their commercial activities., in return for whcih they
are expected to give proper worship.
Failure to show gratitude was to invite calamity in this world and the
next: ANay, but
verily man is rebellious that he thinketh himself independent! Lo! Unto thy Lord is the return.@
This was the return at the Day of Judgment, described in Sura 84 with
images of heaven splitting, the earth being spread out, and the sinner being
thrown into scorching fire. Muhammad
believed he was sent to remind his fellow humans of God=s gifts to them and their obligations.
These themes form the basis of the earliest message of
Islam. Muhammad, the warner, is made
aware of what he had received from God, and is told of his obligations to God
and to his fellow man. These obligations
apply to all Arabs who received God=s
blessing. Failure to heed the warnings
would result in dire consequences on the Day of Judgment or even before. While it is not explicitly stated that
Muhammad believed his early mission had universal applicability, there is
nothing in the early Qur=anic
passages to prevent such an interpretation.
A careful reading of the Qur=an and the hadith indicates
that Muhammad enjoyed initial success in persuading people to follow his new
message. There is almost universal
agreement in the sources that Khadija was the first to convert to Islam,
probably along with her daughters. There
is considerable disagreement, however, about who was the first male
convert. Shi=ites claim Ali ibn Abi Talib. He was about nine and a member of Muhammad=s greater household, so it is not an
improbable claim. Others claim that the
manumitted slave Zayd ibn Haritha was first, while the standard Sunni position
holds that Abu Bakr, Muhammad=s
successor, was first. At any rate, the
first converts were for the most part not influential in Meccan society, and
for a time Muhammad=s
preaching caused little concern.
Possibly the Meccans thought that he was merely another mantic seer who
would help them find lost sheep or camels and would settle disputes. However, as the monotheistic message of Islam
became clearer, and Muhammad=s
stand against the old gods became better understood, the Meccans began to
realize that Muhammad and Islam posed a threat to their commercial and
religious ascendancy in the Hejaz .
The persecutions that resulted from the Meccans
realization of the threat posed by Muhammad were not initially severe. The moderation of the persecutions seems to
be because violent physical harm to Muhammad or his followers, except the
poorest of them, would have provoked retaliation that could have erupted into
civil war. At this time, for reasons
that remain obscure, Muhammad sent a group ofhis followers to Abyssinia ,
where it is reported that the Negus, a Christian people, received them
warmly. This event, later called a Alittle hijra,@ may have had economic as well as
religious motives, but it seems to have had little impact on problems in Mecca .
With the death of his two main supporters -- his
protector Abu Talib, and his beloved wife Khadija -- Muhammad=s position in Meccan society seems to
have worsened. The Meccans reportedly
attempted an economic boycott of Muhammad=s
clan, the Hashimites. Though not all the
clan followed Muhammad=s
religion, they remained loyal to the clan ideal and stood by him, except for
Abu Lahab, who, along with his wife, is assigned to hell for his actions. While the boycott failed to crush the clan,
the situation was critical, for it was clear that Islam could not expand within
the hostile Meccan atmosphere. So,
Muhammad began to seek other places in Arabia
in which to continue his mission.
traditions commenting on Sura 17:1 describe a journey that Muhammad is supposed
to have taken from Mecca to Jerusalem , and from there through the seven
heavens to the throne of God, a journey said to have taken, at most, one
night. Early authorities disagree as to
whether this was a purely spiritual journey or vision, or whether it was
physical, but when it was reported to the new Muslim converts, some turned away
in disbelief. Abu Bakr is represented as
one of the few true believers, and received the title Witnesser of the Truth (as-Siddiq). Later versions of the night journey and
ascent stories show elements borrowed from Jewish and Christian tradition. The theme has become a favorite subject for
popular stories and legends.
Muhammad, after several unsuccessful negotiations with
towns of the Meccan economic confederation, turned to members of the Arab
tribes in the city of Medina, ancient Yathrib, who were attracted to him not
only for his message but also for his skill as a mediator. During the negotiation period of 621-622, the
main outlines of the so-called AConstitution
of Medina @ were drawn in which Muhammad and his
followers became part of the body politic of the city and Muhammad became first
among equals as the final arbiter of all disputes. This document assumes the autonomy of at
least the two religious communities of the Muslims and the Jews and seems to
anticipate later patterns of relationship between Muslims and People of the
By this time, most Meccan converts to Islam had migrated
to Medina , a
wise precaution in view of growing Meccan hostility. Muhammad and Abu Bakr were the last to leave,
pursued by a party of Quraysh intent on harming them, since they were then
outside the protection of customary law.
Muhammad arrived in Medina
around September 22, 622. Muhammad and
his small band of followers were aided by an even smaller group of Medinans who
had converted to Islam before the hijra or shortly thereafter. These and later Medinan converts to Islam
were called Ahelpers@ -- ansar --, while those who
made the migration with Muhammad were the Aemigrants@ -- muhajirun -- a distinction
which perpetuated the pre-Islamic North Arab-South Arab rivalry.
Arrayed against him in Medina were tribes of Jews and their Arab
allies, who seem to have controlled the major sectors of the local
economy. These tribes of Jews, tribes of
mixed Jews and Arabs, and some almost exclusively Arab tribes ranged in
attitude from actively hostile to generally supportive. All elements of the city had been openly
fighting one another for some time, and it was Muhammad=s task to weld them into one community.
To form the community of Islam -- the umma --in Medina , Muhammad had to
find a way to support his followers who were living on the charity of the ansar. For this reason and as part of his larger
plans in the Hejaz , Muhammad adopted the
course of raiding a Meccan trade caravan.
The first raid took place in one of the months in which there was
customary truce on religious grounds.
The indignation that this caused even among his followers was allayed in
part by the rich booty and finally by the revelation recorded in Sura 2:217. This raid led to the first major Muslim
victory at Badr, where the Muslims met a large Meccan armed force rather than
the expected rich caravan. A variety of
factors, including Muhammad=s
generalship and Muslim cohesiveness, contributed to the victory, which had the
effect of persuading more groups and individuals in the Hejaz
to ally themselves with Muhammad and, in some instances, to convert to
Because of the continued Muslim threat to their economic
interests, the Meccans mounted an offensive in 624-625. The opposing forces met near a hill called
Uhud, and, in spite of early Muslim success, the Meccans succeeded in slightly
wounding Muhammad and forcing the Muslims to flee and regroup on the nearby
hill. While this has been termed the first
Muslim defeat, the Meccans were unable to follow up their advantage. They made one final attack with an army which
included not only those who owed Mecca military service but also a mercenary
force of bedouin who were promised an easy victory and rich booty. They besieged the Muslims in Medina
(whose exposed flank was fortified by a trench, from which the battle is called
the Battle of
the Trench), but were unable to prevail and were forced to withdraw. This marks the end of Meccan domination of the
Hejaz, confirmed in January, 630, by the the Muslim conquest of Mecca .
During this time, Muhammad also dealt directly with the
dissident elements in Medina
itself. Some groups were openly hostile
to Muhammad and had aided the Meccans, while others had only half-heartedly
converted to Islam. The main Jewish
tribes which had aided Muhammad=s
enemies were expelled from the city, but a fair number of individual Jews were
left. Muhammad=s raid against the fortified Jewish
city of Khaybar
in 628 is significant, because the defeated inhabitants were allowed to remain
on their land in payment of a capitulation tax of half their annual crops. This was a continuation of the principles
found in the Constitution of Medina
and forms, along with other similar incidents, a paradigm for Muslim treatment
of subject minorities.
By the time of the taking of Mecca in 630 and the cleansing of the Ka=ba of its hundreds of pagan idols, the
basic tenets or pillars of Islam had been formed. The one institution which had not been set
forth was that of the annual pilgrimage -- the hajj. In March of 632, Muhammad performed the
reformed pilgrimage to the cleansed Ka=ba,
setting the pattern for this rite for all Muslims. This was Muhammad=s last great act, for, much to the surprise
of those who expected him to live until the Day of Judgment, Muhammad, without
having provided for a temporal successor, died in early June, 632, in the
company of his favorite wife, >A=isha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, and was
buried in her apartment.
Until modern times, Western views of Muhammad have, with
only rare exceptions, been hostile. The
tendencies in the Sira of Ibn Ishaq which depict Muhammad as an isomorph
of various prophets, including Jesus, have been seized upon by Western
polemicists to make Muhammad into a deceiver, a heretic Christian priest, and
even into the Anti-Christ. This bias has
been so pervasive that it is found in much of the material available in Western
languages. Western writers have also
criticized Muhammad for the large number of his wives. Recent scholarship is more balanced and
appreciative of his life and work.
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